通过一个周末的激战,2023 Kiki Realty California Cup 的 Open组 和 50+组的冠亚季军相继诞生。
Open组冠军: SV Tigers

50+组冠军: CalBlue DB
本次加州杯的成功举办,要感谢各位幕前幕后无私奉献的足联志愿者们,以及各球队球员们的积极参与,也要衷心感谢冠名赞助商Kiki Zhou的慷慨支持和亲自参与!

中英文文章 credit to President Gao
SV Tigers足球队以四连胜夺得2023年Kiki地产加州杯冠军
SV Tigers Football Team Clinches 2023 Kiki Realty California Cup Championship with Four Consecutive Wins
在一场令人惊叹的统治力展示中,SV Tigers足球队夺得了2023年Kiki地产加州杯冠军,以一波四连胜稳固了他们的冠军地位。
In a stunning display of dominance, the SV Tigers football team secured the 2023 Kiki Realty California Cup championship, solidifying their title with an impressive four-game winning streak.
SV Tigers

在每场比赛中,SV Tigers以稳固的防守,大刀阔斧的进攻,横扫千军。
In each match, SV Tigers exhibited solid defense and a relentless offensive strategy, sweeping aside their competition.

今年的SV Tigers在赢得2023年Kiki地产加州杯冠军后;在今年的四项足球赛事中取得了胜利。他们统治力不仅限于加州杯,还确立了他们作为2023年无可争议的冠军。
This year, the SV Tigers not only claimed victory in the 2023 Kiki Realty California Cup but also triumphed in all four football events they participated in. Their dominance extended beyond the California Cup, establishing them as the undisputed champions of 2023.
The Vietnamese Golden State team, with an average age of just 25, emerged as the youngest team in the tournament. They fought until the very last second in every match, never giving up. Their positive spirit, hard work, and determination earned them the second-place finish. The performance of the Vietnamese Golden State team underscored the potential of young, ambitious players without extensive experience, serving as an inspiration to all. It highlighted the possibilities that passion, dedication, and the desire to achieve excellence in the world of football can bring.
越南金州队/Vietnamese Golden State team

奥克兰老枪队,尽管在竞争对手中年龄最大,但利用巴萨式的节奏控制和短传配合,俘获了大批粉丝。在2023年Kiki Realty CA杯中勇夺第三名。同时奥克兰老枪队内涌现出了三位极具天赋的年轻明星,为球队注入了新的活力,并展示了光明的未来。
Despite being the oldest team among the competitors, the Oakland Old Guns utilized a Barça-style rhythm control and short-passing game to captivate a large fan following. They secured the third position in the 2023 Kiki Realty CA Cup. Additionally, the Oakland Old Guns showcased three exceptionally talented young stars within their ranks, injecting new vitality into the team and revealing a bright future.
娱乐联队在2023年Kiki Realty CA杯中获得第四名的旅程无疑是一个灰姑娘故事。这支球队在比赛开始前三周才开始组建,汇聚了来自各种非前四名中国球队的球员。他们的快速凝聚力和竞争精神给人留下了深刻的印象,也证明了自己成功的潜力。
The Recreation United team's journey to fourth place in the 2023 Kiki Realty CA Cup was undoubtedly a Cinderella story. This team was assembled just three weeks before the start of the competition, featuring players from various non-top-four Chinese teams. Their rapid cohesion and competitive spirit left a deep impression and demonstrated their potential for success even in challenging circumstances.


CalBlue DB队在NCCSF的50+分区中夺冠,Tigers Sr队获得亚军,来自洛杉矶的南加老鸟队力压金粤队夺得季军。值得一提的是,在此之前的两项赛事中,CalBlue DB都很可惜的在小组赛全胜,但在最后的决赛中丢掉冠军。他们在这一次比赛中击败了Tigers SR队,证明了他们的毅力和在克服以前的障碍后获得胜利的甜蜜滋味。祝贺CalBlue DB队在足球场上展示了他们不屈不挠的精神!
CalBlue DB claimed victory in the 50+ division of NCCSF, Tigers Sr win second place, SoCal Old Birds from Los Angeles win the third place. In the previous two events, CalBlue DB had unfortunate losses in the finals after dominating the group stage. However, in this competition, they triumphed over Tigers SR, showcasing their resilience and the sweet taste of victory after overcoming past obstacles. Congratulations to CalBlue DB for displaying their unwavering spirit on the football field!
Thanks to all the participating teams above. All your love and passion for soccer made this tournament successful!
这次比赛展示了多种不同的打法。既有SV Tigers传统的稳固防守和精准的长传,也有两只越南队的不知疲倦的跑动,还有奥克兰老枪队娴熟的配合,为大家开拓了视野,给年青年老球员们都提供了借鉴的方向。
This tournament showcased a variety of playing styles. There were SV Tigers' traditional solid defense and precise long passes, the tireless running of both Vietnamese teams, and the Oakland Old Guns' skillful teamwork. It expanded horizons and provided valuable lessons for both young and experienced players alike.
The experience of Entertainment United reminds us that in sports, with a unified goal and belief, anything is possible, and even a jackdaw can soar to the top to become a phoenix. The league will continue to provide opportunities for ambitious players without affecting their parent teams.
The first-ever Guest Team and Traveling Team Cup matches in NCCSF marked a significant milestone for the organization. It added a new dimension to the competition, created unforgettable moments, and fostered friendships among participants. The guest teams showed tremendous enthusiasm and are eagerly looking forward to participating in next year's matches, highlighting the bright future of the competition and its positive impact on the football community.
The success of the inaugural Guest Team and Traveling Team Cup in NCCSF wouldn't have been possible without the selfless dedication of our tireless volunteers. We express our heartfelt gratitude to these unsung heroes who ensured the smooth conduct of the matches, from organizing the events to ensuring the safety and enjoyment of all participants.
We deeply appreciate the commitment, passion, and hard work of every volunteer who contributed their time and expertise to make this event an unforgettable experience for all participants. Thank you for being our support in the competition!
最后,由衷的感谢Kiki Zhou为本次加州杯提供冠名赞助,并为志愿工作贡献了大量时间和精力。您的慷慨的支持和亲自参与在使这次比赛取得巨大成功中起到了关键作用。我们非常感激您对足球社区的承诺和支持,您的奉献精神为我们的活动和参与者留下了持久的积极影响。
We extend our sincere thanks to Kiki Zhou for sponsoring the California Cup and dedicating a significant amount of time and effort to volunteer work. Your generous support and hands-on involvement played a crucial role in making this competition a resounding success. We greatly appreciate your commitment to the football community, and your dedication has left a lasting, positive impact on our event and its participants.

感谢提供中西医结合优质护理的 HeCares 对华人社区足球赛事的长期支持!
感谢 腾飞教育集团 对华人社区足球赛事的长期支持!
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